Thursday, November 26, 2009

How do I fix a rear screen projection tv. Looks like there is a hair in the red lense?

When the tv show I'm watching goes to a black screen, I see what appears to be a hair reflection on the bottom left of the screen. It's not parallel to either the side or the bottom, so I do think it's a hair inside the lens. The red is off on the top half of the screen, again in a non liner way. The bottom right 25% of the screen looks fine. I opened up the tv, and while I can clean the top of the lens, I can't clean below the lease that rotates to focus the red.

Is it a hair? Can it be fixed? How do I get the hair out of there?

Thanks SO much!!


How do I fix a rear screen projection tv. Looks like there is a hair in the red lense?


It's the Convergence Amplifiers causing the RED picture to not align up with the Green and blue picture.

Don't mess with the may loosen the wrong bolts and COOLANT will spill out on the boards and destroy them....

Get a TV Tech out there to replace the amps.....

How do I fix a rear screen projection tv. Looks like there is a hair in the red lense?

i agree with tv tech man about the convergance ics and also might need the coolant change in the crts.

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